Terms of use

General information

By using JustStars.com you agree to these terms. These are  JustStars.com terms of use, and they apply to all users of the  JustStars.com platform. "We", "our" or "us" refers to, JustStars.com and our subsidiaries. "JustStars.com" refers to this platform and the services offered by us.
Age restrictions   
When you create an account you must provide us with accurate information.
To create an account you must be at least 18 years old. To join a creator's membership as a customer, or provide a membership as a creator, you must be at least 18 years old.
You are responsible for anything that occurs when anyone is signed in to your account, as well as the security of the account. Please contact us immediately if you believe your account is compromised.
You are responsible for all activity on your account. If you violate our policies we may terminate your account.
Don't do anything illegal, abusive towards others, or that abuses our site in a technical way. If you are a creator raising funds on JustStars.com, we may be held accountable for what you do with those funds. As a result, we also look at what you do with your membership off our platform.
You can find more detailed information in the Security Policy which cover most issues, but if you find a new and creative way to hurt JustStars.com or our community we may take action to prevent it.


Definition of Creator
A creator is someone who offers membership to customers on JustStars.com. There are a lot of details here involving payments, fees, taxes and restrictions that you should read in full if you are a creator.
To become a creator simply launch your page to start your membership. Memberships are for your most passionate fans. You’re inviting them to be part of something exciting that gives them unique benefits they want, like additional access, merchandise, exclusivity, and engaging experiences. In exchange, customers pay on a subscription basis.
As a creator you make your membership available on JustStars.com , and we provide membership to your customers on a subscription basis. We also handle payments issues such as fraud, chargebacks and resolution of payments disputes.
We try to provide timely access to your funds, but you may occasionally experience delays in accessing your funds. We may also block or hold payments for violations of our policies or for compliance reasons, including collecting tax reporting information. When payments are delayed or blocked we try to communicate the reason to you promptly. If you have questions about a payments block, please reach out to us using contact form on the website. In order to protect creators, we may block customers’ payments if we believe them to be fraudulent.
Sometimes activities like refunds can put your account balance into the negative. If your balance becomes negative then we may recover those funds from future payments.
As a creator there are two fees associated with your membership on JustStars.com. The first is the platform fee, which is 10% of your monthly income at JustStars.com. The second is the payment processing fee, which is dependent on the currency selected by the creator.
Depending on your customers' locations, some banks may charge your customer a foreign transaction fee for their membership subscription. JustStars.com does not control this charge, but it is typically around 3%.
We do not handle most tax payments, but we collect tax identification information and report this to tax authorities as legally required. You are responsible for reporting any taxes.
The one tax we do handle on your behalf is VAT payments for electronically supplied services to customers in the EU. For the purpose of electronically supplied services, creators make a supply of those services to us, and then we supply them to the customer.
Only use JustStars in a manner and for a purpose that is lawful.

We don't allow creations and benefits that violate our policies:

– Content that is illegal, fraudulent, defamatory, hateful, discriminatory, threatening or harassing, or which encourages or promotes violence or any illegal activity.

– Use of JustStars in any way which may exploit, harm, or attempt to exploit or harm any individual under 18 years old, for example by exposing them to inappropriate Content.

– Content that:
  1. shows, includes or refers to:
  2. any individual under 18 years old (or which refers to individuals under 18 years old generally); or any other individual unless you have written documentation which confirms that all individuals shown or included or referred to in your Content are at least 18 years old, and you have a written consent from each individual to use their name or images (or both) in the Content;
  3. shows, promotes, advertises or refers to:
– Use of JustStars to stalk, bully, abuse, harass, threaten or intimidate anyone else.
– Use of JustStars to engage in misleading or deceptive conduct, or conduct that is likely to mislead or deceive any other User.

– Disrespect to the intellectual property rights of Creators, including recording, reproducing, sharing, communicating to the public or otherwise distributing their Content without authorization.

– Anything that violates our or someone else's rights, including intellectual property rights (examples of which are copyright, trademarks, confidential information, and goodwill), personality rights, unfair competition, privacy, and data protection rights.
– Impersonation of JustStars, one of our employees, another User, or any other person or company or falsely state or suggest any affiliation, endorsement, sponsorship between you and us or any other person or company.
– Providing false account registration information or unauthorized use of anyone else's information or Content.
– Posting or causing to be posted any Content which is spam, which has the intention or effect of artificially increasing any Creator's views or interactions, or which is otherwise inauthentic, repetitive, misleading or low quality.
– Transmitting, streaming, or otherwise sending any pre-recorded audio or video material during a live stream or otherwise attempting to pass off recorded material as a live stream.
– Using other media or methods (for example the use of codewords or signals) to communicate anything which violates this Policy.
– Reproducing, printing, distributing, attempting to download, modify, create derivative works of, public display, public performance, republishing, downloading, storing or transmitting any Content, except as permitted under the Terms of Service.
– Informed introduction of any viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material into Content which is or may be malicious or technologically harmful.
– Decompilation, disassembling, reverse engineering, or otherwise attempting to discover or derive the source code of JustStars.
– Use of JustStars in a way that could adversely affect our systems or security or interfere with any other User’s use of JustStars, including their ability to engage in real-time activities through JustStars.
– Use of any automated program, tool or process (such as web crawlers, robots, bots, spiders, and automated scripts) to access JustStars or any server, network or system associated with JustStars, or to extract, scrape, collect, harvest or gather Content or information from JustStars.
– Use of JustStars' name, logo or any related or similar names, logos, product and service names, designs, or slogans other than in the limited ways which are expressly permitted in the Terms of Service or with our prior written agreement.

Those under the age of 18 cannot use JustStars.com. We are not required to allow any particular person or group of persons to be your customer.
As a creator you are also responsible for keeping customer data safe. An account is tied to your creative output and cannot be sold or transferred for use by another creator.
Take Down and Appeals Process
If you have a complaint about content or conduct of a user on JustStars, please send your complaint to [email protected] with the following details:

• Identification information on the creator or JustStars user whom the complaint is regarding.

• A detailed description of the reason the complaint is being filed.

• The Date and Time the act/content which caused the complaint was encountered.

• Any other relevant information.

Once the complaint is received, JustStars will investigate the issue and respond within 7 business days;

Content that is found to be unlawful will be immediately removed after hearing possible explanations from JustStars creator. For other complaints, we will take every step that we consider to be appropriate to investigate your complaint. While we are not obligated to inform you of the outcome, we will resolve the issue if the investigation results in a confirmation of a policy violation. JustStars users must not make any complaints in bad faith. Violations of this policy could result in a termination of JustStars account.
To become a customer simply create an account, add your preferred payment method and join a creator's membership!
There are two types of membership subscriptions. One is a monthly subscription where you pay per month. The other is a per creation subscription where you pay based on the number of creations a creator posts in that month.
The timing and amount of each membership subscription depends on the creator you support. You can see the details as you join and in the receipt sent to you after each successful payment. You can view all your active membership subscriptions and billing history.
You may cancel your membership subscription at any time. We may grant refunds at our sole discretion.
To become a customer simply create an account, add your preferred payment method and join a creator's membership!
In certain situations you may lose access to a creator's customer-only posts and benefits. These include when you cancel your membership subscription, your payment method fails, the creator blocks you, or the creator deletes their account. We are not required to allow you to be a customer of any particular creator.
Creators' memberships vary and we have limited control over the quality and specific offerings. We attempt to screen for fraudulent creator pages, but cannot guarantee the identity of creators or the validity of any claims they make. We appreciate your help reporting suspicious creator pages so we can keep  JustStars.com safe.
If you are located in the EU, then VAT is added to the total charge. This is shown when you set up the initial membership subscription.
Depending on your location, some banks may charge you a foreign transaction fee for your membership subscription. JustStars.com does not control this charge, but it is typically around 3%. Please contact your bank for more information.
JustStars's Role
We proactively look at some pages and posts on JustStars.com and review reported pages to identify potential violations of our guidelines.
We proactively look at some pages and posts on JustStars.com. We also investigate reports of potential violations. These investigations may take a while to resolve and may include looking at what is supported by funds received through JustStars.com.
In most situations we will work with creators to resolve any potential violations and allow the creator to continue using JustStars.com. Terminating accounts is not an action we take lightly and is done in only the most extreme cases.
Please let us know if you see potential violations by reporting it at our website using contact form
As a global company based in the United States with operations in other countries, we must comply with economic sanctions and trade restrictions, including those implemented by the Office of Foreign Assets Control ("OFAC") of the U.S. Department of the Treasury. This means that JustStars.com cannot take part in transactions that involve designated people, places, or items that originate from those places, as determined by agencies like OFAC.
We are constantly testing out new features with the goal of making JustStars.com better. We may add or remove features, and often test features with a random subset of our community. If we believe a feature is significantly different from these terms, then we explain those differences in the test.
With your permission, we may give other websites or services the ability to verify information about your JustStars.com account or perform actions on your behalf. This permission is asked for when you connect your JustStars.com account to these other websites or services. You can learn more in our Privacy Policy.
Account deletion
You can delete your account. We can disable your account at our discretion.
You can permanently delete your account at any time by contacting us. We can terminate or suspend your account at any time at our discretion. We can also cancel any membership subscriptions and remove any descriptions, posts or benefits at our discretion.
You may not bring a claim against us for suspending or terminating another person's account, and you agree you will not bring such a claim. If you try to bring such a claim, you are responsible for the damages caused, including attorneys fees and costs.
These terms remain in effect even if you no longer have an account.

Intellectual property

Your creations
You keep complete ownership of all creations, but you give us permission to use them on JustStars.com. Make sure you have permission to use creations that you offer on JustStars.com.
You keep full ownership of all creations that you offer on JustStars.com  , but we need licenses from you to operate JustStars.com effectively.
By posting creations on JustStars.com you grant us a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, sublicensable, worldwide license to use, reproduce, distribute, perform, publicly display or prepare derivative works of your creation. The purpose of this license is strictly limited to allow us to provide and promote memberships to your customers. We will never try to steal your creations or use them in an exploitative way.
You keep complete ownership of all creations, but you give us permission to use them on JustStars.com. Make sure you have permission to use creations that you offer on JustStars.com.
You may not post creations that infringe others' intellectual property or proprietary rights.
Customers may not use creations posted by creators in any way not authorized by the creator.
JustStars.com creations
You can use our copyrights or trademarks to promote your JustStars.com page, but can’t use them for anything else without our permission.
Our creations are protected by copyright, trademark and trade secret laws. Some examples of our creations are the text on the site, our logo, and our codebase. We grant you a license to use our logo and other copyrights or trademarks to promote your JustStars.com page.You may not otherwise use, reproduce, distribute, perform, publicly display or prepare derivative works of our creations unless we give you permission in writing. Please ask if you have any questions.
You will indemnify us from all losses and liabilities, including legal fees, that arise from these terms or relate to your use of JustStars.com. We reserve the right to exclusive control over the defense of a claim covered by this clause. If we use this right then you will help us in our defense.
Your obligation to indemnify under this clause also applies to our subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents and third party service providers.


Warranty disclaimer
We do our best to make sure JustStars.com  works as expected, but stuff happens.
JustStars.com is provided "as is" and without warranty of any kind. Any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, and any other warranty is excluded to the greatest extent permitted by law.
The disclaimers of warranty under this clause also apply to our subsidiaries, affiliates and third party service providers.
Limit of liability
If you lose money as a result of using JustStars.com, any payment to you is limited to the amount of money we have earned through your use of JustStars.com.
To the extent permitted by law, we are not liable to you for any incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of these terms, or your use or attempted use of JustStars.com. To the extent permitted by law, our liability for damages is limited to the amount of money we have earned through your use of JustStars.com. We are specifically not liable for loss associated with unfulfilled benefits and from losses caused by conflicting contractual agreements.
For this clause "we" and "our" is defined to include our subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents and third party service providers.
Dispute resolution
Dispute We encourage you to contact us if you have an issue. If a dispute does arise out of these terms or related to your use of JustStars.com, and it cannot be resolved after you talk with us, then it must be resolved by arbitration. This arbitration must be administered by JAMS under the JAMS Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures, except as expressly provided below. Judgment on the arbitration entered in any court with jurisdiction. Arbitrations may only take place on an individual basis. No class arbitrations or other other grouping of parties is allowed. By agreeing to these terms you are waiving your right to trial by jury or to participate in a class action or representative proceeding; we are also waiving these rights.
For creators and customers who are consumers, we also follow the JAMS Policy on Consumer Arbitrations Pursuant to Pre-Dispute Clauses Minimum Standards of Procedural Fairness for consumer arbitrations done under these terms. For the purpose of an arbitration subject to the consumer standards, if any portion of these terms do not follow that standard, that portion is severed from these terms.
This clause does not limit either party's ability to file an action in a court with jurisdiction to seek injunctive or other equitable relief for disputes relating to intellectual property, proprietary data or to enforce this dispute resolution clause, including your agreement not to assert claims related to the suspension or termination of another person's account. In any such action, the court rather than an arbitrator must decide whether such a claim is arbitrable and must decide whether the party is entitled to the requested injunctive or other equitable relief.
Governing law
Any disputes with us must be resolved in Jackson city under Wyoming law.
Wyoming law, excluding its conflict of law provisions, governs these terms and all other JustStars.com policies. If a lawsuit does arise, both parties consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the courts located in Jackson, Wyoming.
Everything else
These terms and any referenced policies are the entire agreement between you and us, and supersede all prior agreements. If any provision of these terms is held to be unenforceable, then that provision is modified to the extent necessary to enforce it. If a provision cannot be modified, it is severed from these terms, and all other provisions remain in force. If either party fails to enforce a right provided by these terms, it does not waive the ability to enforce any rights in the future.
We may sometimes make changes to these terms and policies. If we make material changes that adversely affect your rights, then we will let you know before the changes come into effect. Continuing to use JustStars.com after a change means you accept the new terms or policies.
These terms are an agreement with JustStars.com.

Effective date

Effective immediately for users joining JustStars.com on or after February 24th, 2020.